Leuchtturm 1917 5 Year Memory Book DURABILITY

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Hello, everyone, so today i’m going to talk about the Leuchtturm 1917 some lines a day, five year, memory, book durability and how well it has held up over five years of daily use and my thoughts in it all right.

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So, let’s dive in so as i said, i’ve literally used this every day for the last five years and it has held up extremely well. You can see, i really filled this up. I don’t want to show it too much details because it’s living my entire life in there, the right last five years um, but i’m super happy with it.

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The binding is still really tight. I can show you this. Let me open it up. You see right there. It’s still in great condition and, the pocket still looks great . The elastic is a little bit looser, but that’s kind of to be expected and i don’t think i’ve ever had a notebook with an elastic stitch stayed really tight after years of use, but i’m super h appy with the quality of it. As i said, it hasn’t fallen apart at all. It’s still in great condition. The bookmarks still look great and have not frayed at all. As you can see so super happy with it.

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I really love using this, because i used to keep all my old planners and for most of you have been on my channel for a while. You know a ton of notebooks and planners, so it’s kind of hard for me to store everything. So i don’t really like to keep my planners from every single year, so i have this now which replaces stacks and stacks of planners. So i really like it and, what’s so great about it, is i can literally compare year by year what it did that day and see what has changed. It was still the same. I know exactly when i went on trips when i did certain things, and it’s just so great to have this overview, and for me the space in it is just enough to really record the most important things of the day. We have plenty of room in these empty little square boxes to just write down. You know, like 10 15 things that happened that day and you’ll always know what really went on, and i really really enjoyed it and, as you can see, i already bought a new one for 2021. I used this for 2016 to 2020 and now um from 2021. To 2026

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So i really really enjoy it, and the new one is pretty much the same as the old one. I just noticed that the paper is just a tad bit more absorbent, even though it feels pretty much the same, but it doesn’t affect the paper quality. It still doesn’t really bleed through it all and still feels the same in terms of how it handles the ink and then this is how i set it up. I like to write um the day of the week here and then which year it is for the entire year. So i don’t have to worry about that as i go along day by day.

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I notice that the bookmarks a little bit longer in a new one which is kind of nice, and actually it doesn’t need to bookmark, because you only only use it day by day, so i don’t know why they put two in there.

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The only thing i noticed that kind of like agitates me a little. This is like every few pages they glued the pages together. So, where there’s the fold where you can see the actual binding they glued the binding together and then between two different sections of the paper, they also glued that together, when you get to like, i think it’s called leaf or something i’m not sure. I forgot somebody told me previously on one of my videos and i forgot what they’re called where they connect the different sections of the paper. See they glued that together. So i’m not super happy about that, but it’s not a deal break for me. I hope this is just the one i purchased and they haven’t done this with every single of their five line notebooks, because i didn’t have the problem with this one. But, as i said, it’s not a big deal. I

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It’s still nice paper quality and , i’m gon na use that the next five years, and probably for the rest of my life. So i can keep track of everything i’m doing i really enjoyed, and it does some getting used to doing this day by day, but i always do it at night before i go to bed just to have this on my nightstand and just record what i did that day – and sometimes i forget a few days and just try to remember and fill it in before it slips my mind and this year. It has been really helpful to have this, because i barely remember what i did yesterday, let alone last week. So it’s really nice to have um it written down and then i’m like, oh okay. I did the same three weeks ago as i did yesterday. So it’s pretty much 2020. So hopefully  2021 gets better.

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If you have any questions about um this planneror five lines memory book, please leave me comment. I also have an original entry where i do a more in-depth review of it. I’ll also link that, in the description and if you’ve enjoyed this entry, please give it a thumbs up and for more notebook ventries subscribe to my blog. Thank you so much for reading.

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