Hello, everyone welcome to my journal tour. Today, i’m going to show you all of my journals, because some of you have asked for a journal, tour, video, and so here it is. It is quite a lot of journals. I put them all out here because i keep them in different locations and spaces.
Some of them are in a book bookshelf, some are in a filing cabinet, some are in bins, and these are pretty much most of my journals. If you are still in my childhood home, but this is pretty much it and i counted them they’re about 60 that are used and about 50 unused, but i have also gifted some of my notebooks away and i have also thrown some of my notebooks away.
So this is it at the moment, and here the first two rows are used. Notebooks here is. You can see. There is a lot of mole skins here and there’s some spiral: bond, notebooks and composition, notebooks and more moleskins, and then some letter, notebooks, still some notebooks from high school and then this row.
Here we have some leather notebooks, more other notebooks and some more mole skins and all kinds of different notebooks. I have done a lot of reviews of these notebooks over the years and i mean now. I can go into showing you all of them in detail. I’m sure it’s going to be pretty long video, but if you’re interested i’m up for it, i’m just going to go through them quickly. If you are interested in one of them, as i said, there’s probably a review on my channel so go through my videos. If you want to, and if you can’t find the video for the journal, please time stamp it, and i will try to figure out which journal it is for you all right. I’M gon na set up the camera to go into that and all of it one-on-one all right.
So, let’s get started with going into detail with each notebook. I don’t think i will actually go into too much detail, because if i did, i think it would be a two hour video.
Notebooks that i have already been using in the past
So first, i’m gon na show you notebooks that i have already been using in the past or that i’m still using and then i’m gon na show you the ones that i have not yet used and as again as i said, if you’re interested in one Of those, i have made a video probably about that one on my channel so search for my videos and if you can’t find it give me the time stamp, and i will tell you what it is. So this is a passport size travels notebook. I do not remember the brand it’s yeah several years old already, i can’t remember .
This is a pocket moleskine. I actually made a video on this one and how bad the moleskin quality has become, and it kind of got me started on my channel. If you want to know how i got started with journaling and making my channel and all those things i recently did a video, that’s called journal Q&A so feel free to check that out.
This is a graphic defrost soft cover notebook. I really loved using that one too, and here we have another travels notebook style notebook. I forgot the brand of those. I really really like those i’m not sure they’re still available. This was actually my favorite size and i think actually, my favorite of all the travels notebooks that i have used and, as i said, i did not keep all of my journals because i would have far too many. I threw some away and i gifted some away.
So this is a rusty coated journal. So it’s just two different versions of the good book i really enjoyed using both of them. It’s a burgundy one and then this i think it’s a salad, brown, great company, great notebooks, really enjoyed using those leather notebooks
And then here we have a soothie zodiac notebook. I also love this one a lot. I love love the format of it and i really enjoyed their cotton paper that they use for their notebooks.
We have another rustico travels notebook style notebook. This one was also great to use, so it’s slightly larger but great quality as well
And then here we have the cafe note by nanami paper. It is a toma river paper notebook and i filled it up. Took me a while – and i like this one but uh – the cover was a little bit too flimsy for me, but still was great quality and held up really well.
Here we have the another tomah river notebook glp creations. I really like that. O ne too, they have a really nice cover, like that little accent right here with the brown.
Then we have this one here. This is a notable notebook, yeah with some corporate logo on here. Then, what else we got here? This is one of my really old. Like terms let’s see, if we can show you a page, i think i’ll fill them all up. Yeah i did.
Then here we have a pocket moleskin and that pocket soft cover moleskin, it’s not a pocket. It’s an a5 which has less pages than the hardcover. I think it’s only half the pages one of my favorite brands to use is definitely oyster.
And here we have a soft cover. Whoops soft cover, moleskin, see with sometimes the journals i did put on stickers on here that come with the actual, with deloitte to them, and then just move these over and make it faster.
Here we have. This is…. What was this called? Is the piccadilly uh great moleska alternative? If you only want to spend a few bucks on notebook? I think these are on sale for like four dollars at barnes and noble, but i’m not sure if they still have those The paper quality is not that great and, as you can see, the elastic yeah did not hold up at all, but it is super cheap if you’re on a budget.
What’s this one, this is uh. One of my very first uh launch terms when it still was called to agenda and then the layout was different in there, but i don’t think i have an empty page to show you. I guess i can show you this right here.They used to actually write the leuchtturm name on every page, which was not that great. So i’m glad they changed that, but they still keep the datum date here. So i wish they would really get rid of that too. I don’t like that, but otherwise still great notebook uh.
What else we got here, the moleskin just plain hardcover, and what is this this i think yeah. This is a leuchtturm planner and they actually used to come with address books and it put birthdays in there as well, but they don’t make these books anymore. I believe, because everybody has all their information on their phone now so not really necessary anymore, and so that i think most can have them too and another to him.
This is another planner, a vertical weekly planner, and then here we have again a lotum planner for 2015. So and then they start printing this on the planner, which is really nice, and i don’t keep most of my planners. A lot of them actually did throw away, and i just use my leuchttum 5 lines journal to keep track of what i’m doing throughout the years.
So here we have a few pocket, no skins. This is a paris city, planner and a regular one, and then we have new york here and what else we got more pocket, just plain old pocket, moleskins and then there’s a daily planner. I think this was from 2010 yep here i have like an empty page.
I can show you what i didn’t write anything down so yeah. What else there’s my one of my paris notebooks forgot, which brand this was cavalli cavalini papers? That’s what they’re calle.This is another travel notebook that i filled up by peter popper press i enjoyed using that one as well
And then here we have them at a glance planner for 2011 and then we have a neat spiral, bound notebook and then a composition. Notebook from staples which also used as a journal back in the day.
And what else we got so here we have some older ones. We have actually this one, it’s not that old. It’s a leuchtturm linen cover pocket notebook. I don’t think they make. The linen covers anymore, which is too bad, because i think it looks really nice.
Unless we got this generic little notebo ok here, a little planner from 2007.
And then these i used to use in high school to take notes and keep track of what i had to do for class.
This one i don’t know who makes these i bought this one in europe. So i’m not sure i try to figure out the brand but it’s just a just. A paper cover it’s a little thicker that looks like an old italian book. So i really love the looks of those.
what else we got an ursus brand notebook, and here we have another one where i actually i tore off the coated cover yeah. I can’t show you the inside, because personal stuff in there i use this when i was 23 there you go yeah, i just tore off the coated cover and get this to it, what else? Okay! This is a name on it, no not anymore, and here we have a .
This is a daily planner they’re also been using for this year, but this is an older one, just a daily moleskine planner, and then here we have a vintage notebook. I believe it’s from the 60s. It looks really nice.
So these are more recent ones that i have here. I’m not sure who makes this well. I think it was by ran land rover, some corporate gift, a really nice leather notebook, and here we have uh covaris habana. Also one of my favorite notebooks excellent paper quality. I used this for my morning pages and filled it up pretty quickly and i loved writing on the paper. .
Then here we have the black ring slate notebook. This is the old version of my contact company and asked them for the new version to do review for them. I’m still using this one about halfway through and the paper quality is excellent, and i love the pen loop right here so yeah.
This is, i think, in here we have the nanami seven seas. Writer, yes see if i can find the page yeah, so it’s a toma river paper as well. It’S like the bigger version of the cafe note. I showed you earlier, and i just put it in this cover that i got at barnes noble and there was a different notebook in there and then just flopped the seven seas right in there, because it only has this flimsy cardboard cover.
This is The moleskine daily plan i currently use – and this is the lifetime i currently use for daily journaling and my morning pages
And here we have epic notebook – i really enjoyed using this one, a lot too. t’s beautiful italian notebook and i have several more unused yet. So i really enjoy using this one and then this is the five lines i’m keeping and i’m on my last year it’s a five year memory book and i diligently fill it out every single day. That’S why i don’t keep my more most of my planners anymore, because i have everything in here from what i did in a day, so i saved some space because, as you can see, i have a lot of notebooks.
This is another five-year memory, notebook that is actually journal prompts in it from rustico. I did an in-depth review of that one if you want to check that one out. So if you don’t know what to write about, it will give you trouble prompts.
Then the stallion notebook also did a recent review on this one really nice paper in there, and i love the accent edges here then uh baron fig also notebook. I enjoyed using a lot. I love how flat this one lies. I don’t know what’s in here. So i don’t really want to open it up, yeah, but yeah great little notebook.
Then there is another, it’s identical to the one i’m using right. Now i bought two of those i love. This color unfortunately, does not make these colors anymore. They kind of moved on from earthdam colors more to like bright fun, funky, fun colors. I don’t like those. I prefer classic dark, colors or just you know, types of browns.
So then, an XL moleskine is actually starting to fall apart here and yeah. The leather just is starting to disintegrate, so you can see yeah every time i touch it like just starts peeling off so not too happy about this, but yeah and the binding also broke so yeah way to go moleskin anyways.
This is a leuchtturm xl. Large soft cover notebook – i haven’t fully filled this one up yet, but i get around it eventually and then here we have the moleskin xl planner, i kind of banded for this year, because it’s just too big to keep on my nightstand and that’s where i do All my planning
What else i got here then there’s an x-17 pocket notebook. That’s refillable, like kind of travels, no notebook style, so i still use this one when i do travel not happening so much now, but i will go soon, i’m really excited.
The journals i have not yet used
Let’s wrap up this post by showing you all the journals i have not yet used and, as i said, i have gifted quite a few of my journals away, so this is what’s left at the moment.
Cape horn, notebook – i haven’t, tried it yet. As i said, i, like the nautical theme with the little sailboat boat insert here at the top, and here we have a loitering bullet journal with dot grid and we have a rodeo rhodiorama notebook. I think it’s soft cover and taupe sequence. 360. Soft cover notebook, then we have a horse notebook. I don’t know the brand of this ecolo. What else we got. This is a hardcover. This is plain moleskin there we have another glp creations, uh toma river paper, notebook with a rhodia web notebook, another sequence, 360, notebook and plain. I did a review on all of these so feel free to check out my journal, and here we have writer’s block notebook. I think it’s kickerland who makes these yeah because we got here another writer’s block. This is a soft cover version. Okay and then here we have a clairefontaine line. Notebook also soft cover they’re all a5s pretty much here.
What else do we have here? We have a soothie notebook, little pocket guy and then we have a pocket size. Moleskin hardcover, you have sky, my home travels notebook, refills and then here we have another rustico notebook. This is a rustIco as well. What else we’ve got another stallion notebook? It’S the black one. This is a stone paper, notebook which is really unusual. I just haven’t gotten around to using it, yet i think the lines are too. The spacing is too wide. I think that’s why i’m kind of hesitant using this one, but paper feels really unusual. Since it’s made from stone.
And then we have the dingbats notebook, they have incredible paper. I just don’t love that color and they have mostly these fun colors and then the animal prints on the front, and i like a more classic look in the notebooks. Probably i haven’t used it yet, even though the paper looks incredible, so i still should try it out, though, and then here we have a redco notebook and brown.
And here we have just the the different ones: yeah yeah, those are the nomad vintage notebooks. That’s a really cool antique paper and i actually started using the key journal and i didn’t show them the video. So that’s one that went missing. Some journals might be around the house and they’re just missing. Sometimes journals like to hide. I don’t know about yours, minding.
Here’s another clairefontaine aligned version and then we have a code, they updated the notebook, and here we have the pure demi notebook. It’s absolutely gorgeous cover to tone cover.
And then here we have, i think it’s rubber sheen travels notebook, also great size. I like the little quote right there, and then we have a few composition notebooks that can always come in handy where you just need paper on the go. It’s like throw away paper.
And then we have a spar about notebook here and then what else do we have a paper high, notebook, indian style and we have another nomad notebook and then here we have tops a couple legal pads and then we have the olpr Padfolio for legal pads also did a review on this one, not too long ago, yep and what else i think we’re almost through here.
We have some beautiful whoops italian journals from epica. This is their softest leather journal and it really is the softest leather ever i’m so in love with this cover. I just haven’t gotten around to using this notebook, yet it almost feels too precious. Sometimes, when the notebook’s that pretty.
And here we have – i also got another wrap – tie journal, it’s a little bit more rustic and then i just did a review of this one. This is their vegan journal as well. All right. This is epica.
We’re almost there here we have, actually one that i am using at the moment my mead notebook. I always write my notes in here for my Blogs, so i know what to tell you guys and don’t get distracted or off track and make sure. I remember everything you would have a b six leicester in between notebook. I like this size again i have so many notebooks, it’s so hard to actually get around to using them all i mean i do my best, but you know.
And then here we have a couple moons to journals. I’Ve gotten around these either and i like those actually, i cut off theflap. They used to be like this because i don’t like those wrapped high journals as much when you, especially on the go, because it takes so much time to just get in there and just like you know, deal with it and seeing them bang into something. And just dangle it off so sometimes i just like to get rid of that and not use the wrap tie, but the paper quality in these is really great,
And then here we have the x-17 refillable leather notebook also travels notebook style. What i love about these is that they actually open up and just stay open on. Like most travis notebooks see, you can actually leave this open business plot, all right.
And these are the most recent ones – the galen leather, everyday books absolutely gorgeous. I can’t wait to start using one of these guys with toma river paper and then this one’s, i think from michael’s. I forgot the name of this one, something artist and another sequence: 350. I absolutely love the color of this one and here’s a little. I think it’s a baron fig pocket notebook and then just did a review on these guys on emerging edge and most are emerging, green notebooks, they’re eco-friendly and then the full focus plan. I also just did a review on yeah,
So these were all my notebooks pretty much except for the few ones that were missing, and i hope you really enjoyed this entry if you’re still reading. Thank you so much for reading. You should actually get a journal for that or something or just at least treat yourself to coffee or something. I really appreciate you still being here and thank you for all your support. You know checking out my blog and reading . I hope you’ve enjoyed this entry if you did, please give it a thumbs up if you want to see more notebook, and reviews of all the other notebooks that i have then check out.