How to cure Writers Block for Journal Addicts

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A simply trick that has helped me overcome my recent writers block.

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Hello everyone today, I just want to share a quick tip on how to overcome writer’s block for journal addicts, and it’s just something that’s worked for me. It might not work for you, but I think it’s worth the try, because I have been struggling with a little bit of a writer’s block in the last few months.

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I have all these beautiful notebooks lying at home, tons of them hardcover notebooks and mostly like this voice to him right here, and I just have not been able to get myself to really write in those, maybe here and there, but not really, and I’m just like You know, I don’t know what I’m writing and I just do really want this. You know whatever is in my mind and there’s nothing really nice notebook or not.

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And then I just went to the store – and I got this really cheap composition book for $ 0.50. I believe it was a big clot see. I was on sale for 50 cents and I just started writing it in it, because I don’t care about this. I would probably toss this after I’m done with it. I’m just gonna transfer the most useful notes that I took in it and put it in a nicer notebook and I’ve just been carrying around with me and you know ripped out a couple pages. I don’t care, it’s really cheap paper, but it’s still actually really. Nice to write in this one I just got a really cheap pen too, so it has. This almost is like feeling of like nonchalance. If that makes any sense like it just doesn’t really matter just write in it  like my to-do list, whatever like random little thoughts. Even if they seem really silly at the moment, I don’t care because it’s a really cheap notebook.

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As I said, it’s not precious to me at all, but it’s actually grown on me over the past month of using it so yeah sighs worked for me. I start writing again. Instead of you know, feeling a little bit intimidated. Writing my silly thoughts in a nicer notebook and thinking too much about what I want to put on on the page and on the paper.

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So I hope this helps. Let me know if you’ve ever tried this out or if you want to try it out and if it’s working for you – and it might not be the for you, but it has worked for me. So I just wanted to share this with you. Thank you so much for reading. If you haven’t read this entry, please give a thumbs up. If you want to see more Notebook, entries subscribe to my channel and I’ll see you on the next one. Thank you.

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