GLP Creations Tomoe River Notebook Review

4.5/5 - (10 votes)

  • GLP Creations The Author Tomoe River notebook has been perfectly designed for use with fountain pens
  • 192 pages of the legendary 68gsm Tomoe River paper provides a smooth writing experience, minimal ghosting and absolutely no bleed through
  • Guaranteed against any manufacturing issues
  • Light weight, flexible and incredibly comfy to write in, The Author notebook has the perfect thickness for extended use writing

Hello, everyone today, I’m doing a review of the GLP creations, Tomoe River notebook.

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So this one is called The Author and, as you can see, it is a softcover notebook and it is available as a line notebook which I’ve here my hands right now and then it’s also available as a dark red notebook that I’m going to show you later On as well.

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The dimensions on this are five point: two five by eight points, two five inches or thirteen points two by twenty-one points: two centimeters. So essentially it is the same size as a moleskin notebook, two large notebooks it is.

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This is seen a softcover notebook, it’s pretty flexible and it has rounded edges right there papers around it as well. It’S a letter it cover – and this is actually probably the one of the most beautiful softcover leatherette – covers that I’ve ever seen, because it looks like real leather. It is really nicely done. Its gorgeous my opinion because it really smooth too, and then it has a little detail right here. This is orange brown edge right there, which makes it look more interesting in my opinion, and also a little bit more high-end-

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Here’s the back. You can see that logos, embossed and here we have the elastic, strap and, as you can see, it’s it’s pretty tight. So it really hosts this notebook together nicely and it comes with a silver grey bookmark that looks like a nice quality as well as you can see.

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So when you open it up, this is what it looks like it’s the inside it’s in 192 pages it’s made in Taiwan, and it is the 68 gram Toma river paper. I believe, till our papers, Avilan, 52 grams and 68 grand paper. I don’t know if there’s any lighter paper heavier paper, but I have notebooks with of 52 gram paper, and this is my first one trying the 60 gram and I’m really impressed with the paper quality.

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It is not quite as smooth as the 52 grand paper, but it feels a lot less delicate and it crinkles a lot less easily. So this notebook, the actual paper, feels a little bit more durable. It’s not gonna, be like delicate, you don’t have to take care of it as much to not beat it up . That’s what I like about it is the actual shading on the paper is just pretty much standard white, because I know there’s two shades available summer paper. One is the cream-colored and this one is the white one.

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So here you can see the seven millimeter linings and you see this slight dots, great dots, I’ve, trade, those lines and the notebook have a number of pages, and I said it’s a 192 of them.

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So I can put your name and address here on the front cover and then you have a table of content, which is also really nice, and this paper is actually slightly thicker. It has less drying time and automa routed paper. Sorry three pages of content right here and then it goes into the actual notebook you see, doesn’t margin at the top and at the bottom, but the lines go all the way to the edge here and then at the end you have another cover, page or white one slightly thicker paper.

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It comes with blotting paper, which is great because the drying times on to my River paper or slightly longer than the average paper. So, if you’re, especially if you’re riding with a fountain pen, it’s great to have a blotting paper. So you don’t smudge the page. If you want to keep writing and you don’t need to wait a minute or two for the thing to dry.

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There’s the back pocket. Is that you just like thicker stock paper and it’s not very expandable? I wouldn’t. I guess it is for me personally it’s enough room, but if you want to put a lot of paper in there you might run out of room in there and since it’s only cardboard tile tell how well this goes up. So, but it’s black! Its nice.

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It is stitched and bound to the notebook and show you the writing sample. I can find it there you go. First, let me actually show you the stitching, as you can see, right here looks nicely done and, as you can tell it’s pretty flexible notebooks as it is soft covers it bends over all the way.

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So here’s my writing sample here. We have a pencil, a ballpoint pen, 0.4 millimetre gel pens, 0.7 millimeter gel pens and then us here with them, fountain pen, it’s a pilot, metropolis, medium nib with diamond ring ink and, as you can see, there’s absolutely no feathering whatsoever. And I like that, with to a river paper, you get some variation in the color of the ink. It gets some shading there. I don’t know, while the camera picks this up. You see the tips here lighter at the top, and then it goes darker with ink. I like that, a lot because it gives some it gives it more interest in memorization of actual color nice, in my opinion,.

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Here we have the back. You can see, there’s quite a bit of ghosting, but it is not as bad as with the 52 brown paper. So here again the 68 gram paper: fair, is better with ghosting and there’s absolutely no bleed through with the fountain pen and that’s the beauty of Tomoe river paper that it is super fountain pen friendly, despite it being such a light paper and then there’s never any Bleed through with fountain pens with the Tomoe  River paper, unless you try really hard, I mean I guess, and it would play through, but none typical writing experience no bleeder whatsoever – and this is the beauty of that paper,

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It also lies pretty flat, since it is a soft cover notebook, as you can always tell a big bonus, and I think those are the main features of the notebook. As you can see, the rounded edges here there’s two things personally, that I would like to change with this notebook or improve, and that’s just me personally. As you can see, there is about a three to four millimeter overhang with the cover over the paper, and I prefer it when two paper lines up with the actual cover. So that’d be one thing that I would like to see different and you can also see there’s a slight difference between the top cover and the bottom cover that don’t line up. I mean it’s not a big deal, but it’s just like small details that could be improved. As I said, if the paper were to line up more with the edge here, that’d be nice.

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Also I’m it’d be great. If it was the the lines are slightly thinner in terms of the height I mean the shading is okay with the gray, but I just wish there were slightly thinner and that’s a wide in terms of the height.

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So I can show you the doctorate version of this notebook right here with five millimeter spacing between the dots, it’s just grateful bullet journaling and a lot of people that do photo journaling love doctoring paper, so it’s definitely an ideal notebook for photo journaling cuz. It also the table of contents and then the doctorate paper and the numbered pages. So again, here with the dots I wish they were slightly smaller, there’s just a bit too wide for my taste. But again, the shading is okay in terms of how gray they are, but just it a little bit smaller. Thats just, but it’s just my personal opinion and my personal preference.

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None of it is a deal-breaker, in my opinion, at all. I think this is an excellent notebook. I’m really excited to give this a try. I absolutely love the cover, it’s gorgeous and I love this little accent. Color here makes it look really classy. In my opinion, and overall I can tell it’s a nice quality notebook and it should hold up pretty well so – and I might actually do a video on this as well once I’m done using it, but give me a few months, because I have a lot of Notebooks that I’ve been dying to use, but I don’t get around to all of them since I have so many. I definitely want to give this one a try. I think it’s absolutely beautiful and I love it so set the cover and the size as well, and I love Tomoe river notebook paper – tell my river paper  because Its amazing paper, especially for fountain pens, so definitely excited about it. I would definitely recommend this notebook and, if you’re interested, feel free to check out the links in the description box.

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If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me comment. If you want to see more entries like this subscribe to my channel and thank you so much for reading.

  • GLP Creations The Author Tomoe River notebook has been perfectly designed for use with fountain pens
  • 192 pages of the legendary 68gsm Tomoe River paper provides a smooth writing experience, minimal ghosting and absolutely no bleed through
  • Guaranteed against any manufacturing issues
  • Light weight, flexible and incredibly comfy to write in, The Author notebook has the perfect thickness for extended use writing

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