Galen Leather Tomoe River Notebook Review

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Hello everyone, today I’m doing a review of the Galen leather toma river notebook. It’s called the everyday notebook and let’s check it out. So I have two sizes here: it’s available in three sizes: a 6 B 6 and a 5, and I’m going to show you the B 6 and a 5 today, and this is a leather notebook and let’s check it out.

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So it comes in this really beautiful gift box. It’s beautifully design in my opinion, and it’s really well thought through a look at this – would pull right here and then it opens up – and this is actually a magnetic closure. Look at that and I’m really impressed with this actually played around this earlier. So I really thought that was great, and it says ‘feel another brand of stationery celebrated for quality, ingenuity’ and there’s a lot of thought and that goes into this product in general, Like I’m really impressed with the way everything is designed.

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Let’s get this out so this is the forest green. It’S made from Crazy Horse leather, so it’s vegetable, tanned, Calas, 400 pages. As you can see right here, it says Gailen leather, 400 pages and it’s made in Turkey, it’s flanked on my river paper and the dimensions on this one are since it’s a v6. It’S twelve point, eight by eighteen point, two, seven centimeters or five by seven inches, and it’s a softcover notebook as you can see, and I want to show you that it lies really flat see it look like super flat.

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This really great design, it’s hand-stitched. So it’s stitched and then glued to the binding here, they actually led the binding and we can actually bend this over completely and it lies super flat still like, it’s really nice and it feels really durable and sturdy. So I’m really impressed with this binding see. If I can find a picture for you somewhere, you can see that as well.

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I can’t find the middle part here. Give me a second nope, of course, when you try to find it, you can’t there it is so here’s the stitching right there. I can see. It’s 1, 2, 3, 4 5 times that has been stitched and it feels like it will not come apart anytime soon and then the corners around it here on the outside and then the paper light lines up perfectly with the binding, which I always love. When a paper does that – and here you can see the beautiful texture of the leather – and it has a really nice feel to it super smooth and then a paper is actually just plain white: it’s not all flat or anything. It’s just really White 252 gram Toma river paper and then, let’s check out what it comes with it.

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Comes with this blotting paper. It’s actually not paid for it’s like. I said it feels like almost leather to me. Excuse car alarm. It just went off. I think the camera picks up on that and already tried it out, so it works really well with fountain pen ink and it’s super nice touch that they added this with the actual product, and you can also use this as a writing mat and it comes with Line guide there’s the logo right here – and it tells you seven millimeter here and then ten millimeter and then you have to graph a guide as well with five moment of graph and then ten minute of graph. So it comes with quite a few extras, which is very generous in my opinion, but at all that comes in the box.

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Let’s check out the larger one as well in the same beautiful gift box that is magnetic you can get over that. How nice that is! It’s almost like an Apple product, here is the brown one, so it is available in two colors and, as I said, three sizes, put the Box away, and it has a little bit of a distressed. Look to it and again it comes with the blotter. This beautiful matte and the line guides as well forcing the right size it’s time as well. This is a five size here and here it it’s you compared to each other.

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So that you five is five point: seven by eight point three inches and then in centimeters. It’Ssfourteen point, five by 21 centimeters and it says on the website that it is 2 centimeters thick, but I looked with the line guide. I think it’s only like 1.5 when you check this out here, so this would be 1 centimeter and 2 would be 2. Second line up – and I think it’s about 50 millimeter anyways, so that’s how thick it is again; 400 pages beautiful, crisp white to tell my River paper and then again here embossed in the back. You have to logo, just like I’m, the green one as well and all handmade in Turkey, and here is a comparison of the two sizes like down and let them up at you as well. I know this love how flat these lie when you write on them. So I get a really nice writing experience and then I think every journal looks slightly different, since it is genuine leather and, let’s check out a writing sample only did a writing sample in the little guy, since they are both the exact same paper, 52 Graham told my river of paper, as I mentioned already

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And as you can see, I didn’t let it dry long enough. That’s the one thing with coming River paper: it has a little bit longer drying time, especially with a fountain pen so, and I should have put the blotter in there to prevent that. But oh well I mean maybe you can learn from my mistake. So here we have a pencil, then we have a ballpoint pen. We have a gel pen, that’s actually a hybrid pen between a ballpoint and Joe. You know bullet jet stream, and we have a couple of gel pens here: 3.7 millimeter and 0.5 millimeter. Then, when the rollerball here and then down here, we have the powder, Politan, fountain, pen, diamond marine ink – and this was special about to my River paper – is that it’s super fountain pen friendly. It does not feather at all. If you fountain a pen enthusiast, I’m sure you know about my River paper. If you don’t definitely go check it out, it gives a lot of ink colors, color variations and a lot of colors also get some machine to them that they wouldn’t on other paper. So if you love fountain pens, you’re really going to enjoy it my River paper and it is really thin paper. They said it’s only 52 grams, but it is quite durable when you ride on it.

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I have to not have any issues with tearing it, but since it is only 52 gram, you do get a lot of ghosting, but nothing will bleed through, since it is, as I said, really found kind of friendly paper. Is that almost like? I don’t know how to do it. I’m really impressed with 52 gram paper, not bleeding through any ink. That’S pretty amazing to me, but I don’t know how those paper is made, but it’s pretty cool, and this is like it’s like really like thin fiber paper. It. So if ghosting bothers you a lot, this might not be the right paper for you. Then you might want to look for something thicker, but if it doesn’t, I think it’s a great option for a fountain pen lovers yeah, despite all the ghosting here. I don’t really mind, but if you do, then you know it’s up to you.

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I think it’s an absolutely gorgeous notebook. It comes with a ton of extras and ton of features. I think it’s also a really good price point, even though it is higher. You get a lot with it tell my river paper is more expensive, but he I should get a genuine leather cover with the notebook on top of it, which i think is really great. It’s one of the prettiest on a little paper notebooks that I have seen and I’m really impressed with it sure you don’t like cover pages here, absolutely gorgeous and, as I said, it lies super super flat.

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Let’s see if I missed anything here, my notes give me a second. As I mentioned, it is 400 pages. So you get a lot of paper free money and it’s still a really thing, because those notebooks the size would be only having 200 or 250 pages. With these guys have 400, so they last you a long time, if you have any questions about the notebooks or the brand or anything else feel free to leave me comment:.

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