Baron Fig Notebook Review

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Baron Fig Notebook Review


Hello everyone, today I’m doing a review on these notebooks that were sent to me by the company Baron Fig alright.

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So, let’s check out the large one first, this one’s called the Confidant, and this is how it comes in this lovely box, and my first impression is actually that this would make a great gift for somebody because it looks really classy.

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So, let’s open up the box and see what’s in it, so it comes with this description right here, a little flyer features of the notebook and the company and then here’s the back.

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So the notebook out a grey fabric, it’s kind of like a linen texture. It’s feels a little like rougher, but it still feels nice in your hand. So this is the front, then here’s the spine, which is a little bumpy right there and then there’s the back,

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It has rounded edges and there’s a bit of cover overhang here, which is honey. Now it doesn’t bother me too much, but I would wish the paper would actually line up with the cover.

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Let’s open it up. So it’s the cover page here you put some tile in here information and then this is the dot great one. As I said, it’s also available in ruled 7 millimeter ruling and then a blank one, and it has a hundred and ninety two pages and then the last 12 they’re actually perforated. I don’t know if the camera will pick this up. You can see it here. It’S perforated, so these are five millimeter dots here. So this is the back. It’s not that cover and there again it’s information in here: the Baron Fig logo and then the back here.

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The paper is 100 gram paper and it’s it’s soft, but it has a little bit of tooth to it, so it feels nice in your hand, but it has a little bit of tooth to it like a sketchbook. So, for me, this paper is actually like I’d, say it’s the perfect hybrid between a sketchbook and they’re right on notebooks. Imagine if you draw on this, you know the toothiness off. The paper gives you nice feedback when you draw with a pencil, but – and it’s still smooth enough – that you can nicely write on it with a pen.

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I did a little writing sample like right here. So we here we have the regular pencil, ballpoint pen and then a gel pen right there and then I found pen and there is a little bit of feathering with the fountain pen. Is it you see right here, but it’s not too bad at all, so is the Pilot Metropolitan Diamine Marine Ink.  

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In the back you can see there is a little bit of ghosting, but it’s not too bad.

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Actually comes with a forgot to mention that a bookmark which is nice and wide. So it’s actually, when you open it, it’s easier to grab and it’s not too long, which is also nice, doesn’t hang out too much, and I like the two-tone acts and the gray with the yellow actually, works really well and, as I said, 192 pages.

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The dimensions are 5.4 by 7.7 inches or 13-8 eight by 19-5 centimeters. So it is just a tad narrower than an a5 and a little bit shorter than an a5 notebook just a little bit smaller. I think it’s a great size. It feels good in your hand. I like that size, a lot and actually the else of the paper is acid, free, archival quality paper, and so this is the large notebook.

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Let’s check out the little ones. These are softcover notebooks and the stitching they’re stitched here.

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This one’s also stitched and bound I’ll show you that real quick before I move on, find out nicely stitched in found all right all right.

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Back to the little ones. So these are also available and dot grid rules and blank pages. So this is that one is also round rounded edges, so the cover it sounds like thicker, stock 14. Has this nice texture to it as you can see. Let’s open it up right from the other tile on here and then here’s the actual notebook –

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I also did a little writing sample here again: pencil, ballpoint pen, gel pen and a fountain pen again a little Bit of feathering there, but not too bad.

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In the back some ghosting and there’s actually a bit of bleed through with the fountain pen. So with these notebooks, I think if you use a fountain pen, you might go with a finer nib, a broader neighbor we’re wet earn. It might actually bleed through quite a bit more. So I think you’re better off with a fine nib on this paper with a fountain pen and this one has 48 8 pages or 21st sheets.

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The dimensions are 3.5 by 5.5 inches and 9 centimeters by 12.5 centimeters. So for all you Midori fans out there, this actually fits the passport size travels notebook perfectly so if you’re looking for refills in that this would be a great option. As I said, I I like this little contrast  in the itching with this notebook.

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So this is how it comes to come in the pack of three and actually can open this up, for you guys check it out real quick I’ll select the packaging here. It’s like this plum color, with the yellow on the gray. It’s really nice check this off. So this one’s – actually I don’t know if I mentioned this – it’s called The Apprentice and The Confidant 

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Here’s the pack of three and then that’s the Dot Grid one, and actually I like the dot grid. The dots are disliked gray, they’re light enough, so they’re not actually disturbing to the eye, but they’re still pronounced enough, so you can actually see them and use them. So I think they did a really good a really good job in that.

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My two cents on these I’m actually looking forward to using this notebook, I really like the size of it and how it feels in your hand. If there’s anything, I would change, probably the overhang like I would try to , match the paper up with the cover and then I’m a girl. So I would actually like to see a couple more color options, so I oh no. I really think this is a nice little notebook.

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